Hi, welcome to my blog! 

I'm a disabled Autistic woman who is trying to spread as much awareness and helpful ramblings in life! 

There's a more detailed about section which explains all about me! 

Whether you are newly diagnosed, diagnosed years ago or still undiagnosed you are welcome! 

Im a wheelchair user, I have hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS, PTSD, Severe Asthma, Gastroparesis, Bladder and Bowel issues, soon to be SPC user (suprapubic catheter) and Autistic! 

Most blogs will just be my life and how I find my conditions but I will try and spread awareness with added facts so feel free to share with friends and family who are trying to learn more or not wanting to learn and need to! 


Please know that this isn't mean as fully informative as I'm newly diagnosed and still navigating though all my own feelings and learning myself. It's how I feel my life is an an autistic person and if it helps just one person or makes someone realise they aren't alone, well... That makes a huge difference. 


They say if you've met on Autistic person you've met one Autistic person! 


All are welcome!


Lady Red